Community Guidelines

Effective date: September 2nd, 2024

Revvy ("us", "we", or "our") operates the Revvy mobile application (the "Service"). These Community Guidelines are designed to help ensure that Revvy remains a positive and engaging space for car enthusiasts. By using our Service, you agree to follow these guidelines.

Respect Others

Treat all members with kindness and respect. Harassment, hate speech, and bullying are strictly prohibited. Avoid offensive language, discriminatory remarks, or content that could be considered harmful or inappropriate.

Stay on Topic

Revvy is all about cars, car culture, and car-related activities. Please keep your posts, comments, and discussions relevant to the community’s focus. Off-topic content may be removed.

No Spam or Self-Promotion

Avoid posting spammy content, including repetitive posts, unsolicited promotions, or irrelevant links. While promoting your own car-related content or events is welcome, please do so in moderation and in a way that adds value to the community.

Share Original Content

Only share content (photos, videos, etc.) that you have the rights to or have received permission to share. Properly credit the original creators when necessary. Do not share content that violates intellectual property rights.

Follow Event and Club Guidelines

When organizing or promoting events, ensure they comply with local laws and regulations. Respect the rules and guidelines of car clubs or groups you participate in on Revvy. Ensure that event details are clear, accurate, and updated regularly.

Protect Privacy

Do not share personal information (yours or others) without consent. Respect the privacy of other users and their personal boundaries. Report any suspicious behavior or privacy violations to the Revvy team.

No Illegal Activities

Any content or behavior that promotes illegal activities, including street racing or dangerous driving, is strictly forbidden. Ensure that your posts and discussions comply with local laws and regulations.

Report Inappropriate Content

If you encounter content or behavior that violates these guidelines, please report it to the Revvy team. Help us keep the community safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Follow Platform Rules

Adhere to Revvy’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Use the app’s features and functions as intended, without attempting to exploit or abuse the platform.

Have Fun and Share the Passion

Revvy is a place to celebrate the love of cars. Enjoy connecting with other enthusiasts, sharing your experiences, and discovering new car-related content.

Changes to Our Community Guidelines

We may update these Community Guidelines from time to time to reflect changes in our community or legal requirements. We will notify you of any material changes to the guidelines and provide you with an opportunity to review and accept the updated guidelines before they take effect.

Thank you for being part of the Revvy community!

Meet. Drive. Share.
© 2024 Revvy LLC. All rights reserved.